Please officially share this horrifying evidence of the corrupt treasonous effect that Jonathan Pollard has been having in terms of determining Israel and US foreign military policy against Iran
Please officially share this horrifying evidence of the corrupt treasonous effect that Jonathan Pollard has been having in terms of determining Israel and US foreign military policy against Iran and the Mideast from Israel where he is serving in the Knesset rather than being in prison for life thanks to the Trump administration freeing him. This should have been known before the election because it shows how corrupted our entire government has been by Israel, AIPAC and their treasonous allies.
I would welcome others thoughts on how to expose the outrage of Jonathan Pollard - the traitor who worked with Israel's SuperSpies Rafi Eitan and Robert Maxwell to steal our nuclear secrets by putting the Inslaw PROMIS software with a Trojan Horse backdoor in it into Los Alamos and Sandia Labs where our top defense department National security nuclear secrets are spewing misinformation that Iran is the Octopus that in fact Israel is and therefore Pollard is saying deceptively that that Israel should have attacked Iran's Oil and Gas reserves and electrical system. This is the true threat to the Security of the World and we need the US Congress and Presidency to open a hearing on this evidence of Israel being the threat to world and America now before any election outcome is decided because both candidates and all the Congressional and Senate candidates have been bought by the same traitors that freed Pollard - especially Trump!! Stop the election - we need to deNazify deZionize the Defense Departments in the US and Israel and NATO and save the world from the traitors like Jonathan Pollard in our midst. Just Google Jonathan Pollard and PROMIS to see the entire sordid story that should be in the headlines worldwide tomorrow!
It's crazy how so many keep justifying the horror!
Masons need a global war to justify their global government:
All we are saying is give peace a chance!
The USA has become ATM of foreign wars like Ukraine and Gaza: why?
Is it all a false flag operation as an excuse to genocide (200,000 Palestinians already, half children, killed by Israel’s raids), get the Gaza gasfield, and the canal head-port from northern Gaza to the Red Sea? Time will tell their true intentions, though it's clear that saving the lives of the hostages wasn’t and isn't the priority at all !!!
I'm sorry, I can't spend an hour of my life listening to these two sickening characters.
Could someone tell me what quotes from this video (with timestamps if possible) actually support Ellen's claim that Pollard is "determining Israel and US foreign military policy against Iran and the Mideast"? What key role has Pollard playing, and how is it not redundant, when the entire swamp is oozing with his co-conspirators?