We must figure out how to overturn the Congress, Senate and President’s decision to extend the corrupt Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)
We must figure out how to overturn the Congress, Senate and President’s decision to extend the corrupt Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) and send $95 billion in “lethal aid” to Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan and require TikTok to divest from its operations in the US. on the basis of this decision being a fundamentally corrupt one that in effect is allowing the US, Israel and NATO to continue waging unconstitutional and criminal operations through the FISA programs.
I have written and re-written this post over the last several days in the process of synthesizing the secondary research on the subject - a particularly valuable perspective I just found on the final pages 203-205 of a great 2018 book by Seamus Bruner with a Foreward by Peter Schweizer, Compromised: How Money and Politics Drive FBI Corruption. These pages are in the Appendix to my very long analysis detailed herein.
My argument is that our entire government must be impeached now because they are all guilty of being representatives of corrupt foreign government operations of the US, Israel, the UK Crown, NATO and thereby are guilty impeachable offenses including violating Federal administrative laws, Federal Honest Services law against prosecutors taking bribes, and Corrupt Foreign Practices laws.
Specifically, their offense is the offense of waging an illegal form of warfare on Democracies including American democracy called “lawfare” which as far as I can tell from my understanding of game theory as a form of warfare planning which I have learned about based on reading Jeff Gates book, Guilt by Association, on game theory as it applies to warfare planning by criminal states is that it uses revision of the law to subvert an “enemy” state from within by making legal laws that were originally illegal through Executive Orders and reinterpretation of a nation’s laws by a corrupt Supreme Court.
This form of invisible warfare using laws and policies called lawfare or law as warfare needs to be codified into law as a State Crime Against Democracy (SCAD) as has been argued by eminant scholars, David Ray Griffin in 9/11 The New Pearl Harbor: Ten Years Later and Lance deHaven-Smith in Conspiracy Theory in America.
We would assume waging war on a country using the law is already a crime according to the spirit of the law or Natural Law and it would be if the corrupt “Conservative” Federalist Society Jurists in the US Supreme Court hadn’t essentially started replacing the way Constitutional law was interpreted under the “liberal” Warren Court with the Originalist interpretation of the law under the “conservative” Supreme Court which is essentially the way that the Nazi Fascist Third Reich interpreted the law that made the Weimar Republic of Germany into a Dictatorship under the Federalist Originalist theory of law that Hitler’s Crown Jurists, Carl Schmitt and his ideological emissaries in the US, Leo Strauss, Paul Wolfowitz, and the Founders and members of the Federalist Society interpreted it and now every court in the US and the International Courts interpret it given that the Federalist Society now controls the list the President uses to pick the Supreme Court and all the Federal Court Judges.
This form of lawfare has been used since the National Security Act was signed in 1947 to subvert the Constitutions of all the states in the NATO alliance in effect making all of the NATO state democracies including the US, the UK, Israel into client states of the Global National Security State which is really the Fourth Reich, now represented as the New World Order or Great Reset of the World Economic Forum G7, that the Nazi’s (Dulles, Gehlen, Donovan, Churchill) brought about through the National Security Act of 1947-48.
In other words, our current system of government is not a Democracy or a Republic, but rather a National Security State that was created by the same corrupt Nazi agents that created the intelligence agencies of the US (CIA, FBI, NSA, NSC, Homeland Security, Naval Intelligence, DoD, DEA, IRS, etc.) and the all the military intelligence agencies of the UK, the Five Eyes countries, Israel, and the NATO states and probably the intelligence agencies of Russia, China, Iran, Saudi Arabia and every state that has been part of the worldwide rogue state alliance since they were sold the Inslaw PROMIS software by Robert Maxwell, Earl Brian, Rafael Eitan and other US, Israel, UK, NATO, Revisionist Zionist government operatives.
The problem of lawfare is that it enables our democracy to be subverted the way it is being subverted now which is that the corrupt state courts like in Mississippi send cases to be decided by the corrupt Supreme Court who then according to Originalist theory sends it to the corrupt Congress who then votes decisions like approving all the Acts under the Republican Party’s Contract with America including the National Security Revitalization Act (see Appendix, the Telecommunications Act, the Acts putting in laws like Welfare to Work requirement, “the three strikes you’re out Superpredators laws” which led to all decisions being made by corrupt Congressional laws or statutes by corrupt Congressional and Senate representatives and Presidents and Executive agencies who were all pre-approved by AIPAC to vote for the democracy-subverting Acts created by AIPAC and ALEC like the anti-democratic Patriot Act, Citizens United, laws overturning Roe vs. Wade, laws protecting embryos rather than women, etc.
These laws were all made legal by illegal lawfare operations and we must stop enabling our so-called democratically-elected Congress and Senate and President to continue to sign these Globalist Acts into law.
The bottom line is that our Federal Constitutionally-protected rights have been replaced by “state’s” rights” which is the same corrupt legal form of corruption that our Confederate “Red States” claimed justified their secession from the Union in the Civil War which “Red States” still deny was fought over slavery.
The bottom line is we have to stop the form of warfare called lawfare from being waged on Democracy by our political representatives.
We know who they are. They are the rogue orchestrators in our Department of Justice and CIA and Supreme Court who legalized their coup d’etat of America and all sovereign nations using war planning game theory method called “lawfare”.
We know that FISA is the method described in books like Facebook Nation which is the means of surveillance they are using to get away with illegally invading the privacy of people worldwide.
If we allow them to extend FISA we are authorizing them to send $90 billion to continue their research and development and use of the illegal form of global surveillance called “total information warfare” or “total spectrum domination”.
We know that this system of total spectrum domination surveillance is the same illegal form of state counter-intelligence warfare that originated with post-World War II secret plan of the UK, US, Israel, NATO with West German Nazi SS under Reinhard Gehlen or the CIA Gehlen Organization now the BND and the Israeli Mossad formed by Lord Victor Rothschild, who though it is still being covered-up in modern historical records, was the Fifth man of the notorious Cambridge Five World War II Nazi Bolshevik Zionist moles in the intelligence agencies of the Western Allies in WWII (UK MI6, US OSS, other) to leave in place after World War II a “leave behind army” called Operation Gladio to be run through NATO CIA and other Western Powers covert operations.
This is why is is so important for us to have magazines like Covert Operations Magazine that was started by CIA defector and whistleblower, Phil Agee, and which is now being published by his son, which is the one of the few I can imagine would be able to publish an article like I am writing here. I am going to to send this to the Managing Editor of CovertActionMagazine.com, jkuzmarov2@gmail.com.
For those who doubt me on the reality of the NATO CIA Operation Gladio and the way it has been the secret plan that in effect has enabled a secret Nazi Revisionist Zionist cabal to take over our world by using false flag terrorist attacks like 9/11 or October 7.
We know who, what, when, where and why the idea of using the 9/11 as New Pearl Harbor type of event started. It started with a group called the Project for a New American Democracy, led by ultra-Zionist ultra-Conservative National Review Editor, William Kristol, that wrote a paper for Benjamin Netanyahu called Clean Break advising him that we needed some kind of “new Pearl Harbor” type event to get Americans to give up our expected peace dividend and build up our Defenses.
We must keep fighting to challenge the illegal extension of the FISA Act including the anti-free market, anti-free trade legislation banning the popular social media platform TikTok used by 50 percent of social media users including me because it is not censored by the US.
What the US government needs is a simple $30,000 market research study which is what my independent market research company does, if that would help them understand what an average consumer understands which is that we want freedom to choose what media to consume and all we want is for the government to stop taking over our world by taking over “the platform” because “the platform” is our only means of communicating with each other and informing ourselves with the news we need to make decisions based on scientific fact-checked relevant objective vital journalism that gives us the context we need to make optimal decisions.
Without the ability to get news from a reliable unbiased watchdog on our government, we end up with a government that pushes through programs like the Patriot Act, FISA, Citizens United that has pushed through corrupt politicians who are pushing through corrupt legislation despite the fact that people are dying in Gaza and students across America are united in protesting Stop sending money to Gaza while Nancy Pelosi wags a Ukrainian flag and Blinken visits Columbia University to chide the President about allowing anti-semitic “hate speech” on campus.
We the Baby Boomers cannot allow this to happen on our watch. Danny Sheehan of the Romero Institute says that according to the book, Generations, written by his Harvard Law professor, the Baby Boomer generation will not be one to let a reactionary world government take over in 2024 the way it did in 1934 despite Smedley Butler’s best efforts.
My argument is that that our entire government must be impeached now because they are all guilty of being representatives of corrupt foreign government operations of the US, Israel, the UK Crown, NATO and thereby are guilty of impeachable offenses including violating Federal administrative laws, violating Federal anti-corruption laws called Honest Services laws which need to be restored to the way they were before corrupt prosecutors narrowed the prosecutable offenses that prosecutors can be prosecuted for to being caught taking a bribe, which is absurd but true, and Corrupt Foreign Practices laws which supposedly they took seriously at one point but which must have gone the way of the Honest Services laws post 9/11 and the Patriot Act.
Specifically, their offense is the offense of waging an illegal form of warfare on Democracies including American democracy called “lawfare” which as far as I can tell from my understanding of game theory as a form of warfare planning which I have learned about based on reading Jeff Gates book, Guilt by Association, on game theory as it applies to warfare planning by criminal states is that it uses a form of covert “revisionism” of the law to subvert an “enemy” state from within by making legal laws that were originally illegal through Executive Orders and reinterpretation of a nation’s laws by a corrupt Supreme Court.
This form of invisible warfare using laws and policies called lawfare or law as warfare needs to be reversed and all the legislation based on this Federalist idea since 1947 need to be reversed back to a state of right regulation as intended by our Founding Father, Thomas Jefferson, who said that the Constitution needed to grow and change every few years - not be reinterpreted and revised based on an Originalist reactionary interpretation of the Constitution as a Federation of competing states.
In other words, we need to replace our current Justices with Justices who understand that the law of the land to be taught in Law Schools and to Judges is that subversion of Democracy through lawfare is a form of Treason.
One would assume that this crime of lawfare of allowing Judges and Prosecutors to be like the Crown Jurists of the Third Reich with “unitary executive power” and “absolute immunity from prosecution” would be a thing of the past, but it turns out that it is the legal theory our Supreme Court Judges are using and have been using for years which explains the odd way they decided to shut down the Bush v Gore vote counting in Florida.
The latest iteration of this New World Order theory of Revisionist Zionist “justice” is that tomorrow the Supreme Court will be allowing oral arguments to be televised and played live on NPR (now National Propaganda Radio) on the case they call, Trump vs the United States. I always thought it was the United States vs Trump.
My point is you would have thought it goes without saying that for a President or a Supreme Court to decide to give themselves immunity from prosecution like the Nazis did in the Third Reich, this would case be a where the Courts would not inject themselves into the process as if anybody at this stage perceives the Roberts Count to be the voice of balanced and reasoned “justice”.
The question is who will be the one who tells Trump or Biden or Chuck Shumer or Nancy Pelosi or John Roberts what some Senator in the McCarthy Hearings finally told Joe McCarthy and Roy Cohn which is shown in the great documentary, Where’s My Roy Cohn?, which was “Have you no common decency, Sir?”
This is what I am trying to do here because we have got to do is to get these issues discussed openly on one universal public platform in the mainstream media and by our elected representatives in a fair and balanced way so that in the process of dialectical argument like in a court case where we get the prosecution, ie, the thesis, and the defense argument, the antithesis, and the Jury’s decision, the synthesis, we have a government that makes right decisions rather than egregiously wrong ones like we are getting now.
My argument is we have to get back to a government by the people, for the people, in the spirit of Natural Law as we had before the corrupt “conservative” actually, “neoconservative” Federalist Society Jurists on the US Supreme Court started replacing the way Constitutional law was interpreted under the “liberal” Warren Court to the Originalist interpretation of the law under the “conservative” Supreme Court which is essentially the way that the Nazi Fascist Third Reich interpreted the law that made the Weimar Republic of Germany into a dictatorship under the theory of law that our Crown Jurists got from Hitler’s Crown Jurists, Carl Schmitt and his ideological emissaries in the US, Leo Strauss, Paul Wolfowitz, and the Founders and members of the Federalist Society.
The problem is that the Federalist Society interpretation of the law is now the interpretation of law in every court in the US and now Globally given that the Federalist Society now controls the list the President uses to pick Supreme Court and Federal Court Judges.
This form of lawfare has been used since the National Security Act was signed in 1947 to subvert the Constitutions of all the states in the NATO alliance since 1947 in effect making all of the NATO states into client states of the Global National Security State which is really the Fourth Reich, now represented as the New World Order or Great Reset of the World Economic Forum G7, that the Nazi’s (Dulles, Gehlen, Donovan, Churchill) planned and brought about through the National Security Act of 1947-48.
In other words, our current system of government is not a Democracy or a Republic, but rather a National Security State now called a Homeland Security State that was created by the same corrupt Nazi agents that created the intelligence agencies of the US (CIA, FBI, NSA, NSC, Homeland Security, Naval Intelligence, DoD, etc.) and the military intelligence agencies of the UK, the Five Eyes countries, Israel, and the NATO states and probably the intelligence agencies of Russia, China, Iran, Saudi Arabia and every state that has been part of the worldwide rogue state alliance since they were sold the Inslaw PROMIS software by Robert Maxwell, Earl Brian, Rafael Eitan and other US, Israel, UK, NATO, Revisionist Zionist government operatives.
The problem of lawfare is that it enables our democracy to be subverted the way it is being subverted now which is that the corrupt state courts like in Mississippi send cases to be decided by the corrupt Supreme Court who then according to Originalist theory sends it to the corrupt Congress who then votes decisions like approving all the Acts under the Republican Party’s Contract with America including the National Security Restoration Act, the Telecommunications Act, the Acts putting in law Welfare to Work requirements, “the three strikes your out Superpredators laws”) which led to all decisions being made by corrupt Congressional laws or statutes by corrupt Congressional and Senate representatives and Presidents and Executive agencies who were all pre-approved by AIPAC to vote for the democracy-subverting Acts created by AIPAC and ALEC like the anti-democratic Patriot Act, Citizens United, laws overturning Roe vs. Wade, laws protecting embryos rather than women, etc.
These laws were all made legal by illegal lawfare operations and we must stop enabling our so-called democratically-elected Congress and Senate and President to continue to sign these Globalist Acts into law.
The bottom line is that our Federal Constitutionally-protected rights have been replaced by “state’s” rights” which is the same corrupt legal form of corruption that our Confederate “Red States” claimed justified their secession from the Union in the Civil War which “Red States” still deny was fought over slavery.
The bottom line is we have to stop the form of warfare called lawfare from being waged on Democracy by our political representatives.
We know who they are. They are the rogue orchestrators in our Department of Justice and CIA and Supreme Court who legalized their coup d’etat of America and all sovereign nations using war planning game theory method called “lawfare”.
We know that FISA is the method described in books like Facebook Nation which is the means of surveillance they are using to get away with illegally invading the privacy of people worldwide.
If we allow them to extend FISA we are authorizing them to send $90 billion to continue their research and development and use of the illegal form of global surveillance called “total information warfare” or “total spectrum domination”.
We know that this system of total spectrum domination surveillance is the same illegal form of state counter-intelligence warfare that originated with post-World War II secret plan of the UK, US, Israel, NATO with West German Nazi SS under Reinhard Gehlen or the CIA Gehlen Organization now the BND and the Israeli Mossad formed by Lord Victor Rothschild, who though it is still being covered-up in modern historical records, was the Fifth man of the Cambridge Five (World War II Nazi Bolshevik Zionist moles in the MI6) to leave in place after World War II a “leave behind army” called Operation Gladio.
For those who doubt me on the reality of the NATO CIA Operation Gladio and the way it has been the secret plan that in effect has enabled a secret Nazi Revisionist Zionist cabal to take over our world by using false flag terrorist attacks like 9/11 or October 7 which the Zionist William Kristol’s Project for a New Democracy PNAC’s planners called the “new Pearl Harbor” types of events they needed to get us to vote to give up our representative democracy for a National Security police state, I suggest two of the best books they should read on it to start is Fletcher Prouty’s “The Secret Team” and Daniele Ganser’s “Operation Gladio”.
Now that the Senate authorized and the President signed the authorization to extend FISA and force TikTok, it is in effect authorizing NATO’s and the CIA’s and GCHQ’s and the Mossad's and other shadow intelligence leave behind armies under Operation Gladio to use staged state-sponsored false flag “terrorist” attacks like 9/11, Oct 7, Sandy Hook, Covid-19, Pearl Harbor, the Gulf of Tonkin, the killing of the Arch-Duke Franz Ferdinand that supposedly started World War 1 - and then use media propaganda to blame these staged attacks on NATO-manufactured neoNazi terrorist groups like Hamas, al Qaeda, ISIS, Communist China, Iran, Hezbollah and FISA-manufactured incidents like Covid-19 which was falsely blamed on China to use trillions of dollars worth of neoNazi NATO covert operations to manipulate our democratic republics into voting for our government to continue getting away with becoming a “National Security State”.
The bottom line is the FISA Act like the Patriot Act and the 1994 Contract with America National Security Restoration Act and the 1948 National Security Act is the means by which “we the people” have been tricked into allowing the government to continue financing illegal forms of warfare like genocide of Palestinians and all of us through population control warfare like the Covid-19 pandemic which we now know was a “plandemic” that the evil Revisionist Zionists hidden in the Deep State has used for generations to reduce the population of what they consider “unworthy victims”.
Most people find the hard to believe but we must wake up and look at the world through what Julian Assange called “scientific journalism”. He gives a great explanation of it in a documentary that also gives an explanation of all this by the late very great, John Pilger, called The War You Don’t See which I have linked to here. https://video.search.yahoo.com/search/video?fr=mcafee&p=john+pilger+documentary+The+World+You+Don%27t+See&type=E211US1079G0#id=1&vid=d923327021d87a0868ca7091312e546a&action=click
I also recommend people read this Guardian article by John Pilger: Why are wars not being reported honestly?
John Pilger https://www.theguardian.com/media/2010/dec/10/war-media-propaganda-iraq-lies?INTCMP=SRCH
What Julian Assange and John Pilger and Peter Dale Scott and all of our best honest public intellectuals and I are saying is that our government and our media are collectively deceiving us into trusting their Big Lies and not trusting what we are saying about what they are saying which is they are in fact knowingly killing us with vaccines literally “designed to kill” and other forms of covert warfare much of it “psychological warfare” designed to misinform and miseducate the “population” - meaning us.
Once you understand that everything we are being told in the media now is scripted “artificial intelligence” rather than journalistically reported stories base on real current events, and you begin to test whether the “conspiracy theory” hypothesis I am suggesting is true or whether what our government and media is telling you is true, it begins to all make sense.
This is what it means to think critically and skeptically about what the media is telling us.
We have to start seeing what they aren’t telling us which is that they are covering up the truth about what they are doing which is committing a worldwide war of genocide and terrorism on all of us and covering it all up.
John Pilger’s movie, Governments and Media roles in War Propaganda: The War You Don’t See, linked to above has three slides embedded in the middle which says it all. In World War I, 30 percent of the casualties were civilian. In World War II, 50 percent of the casualities were civilians. In Vietnam, 70% of the casualties were civilian.
Now in Gaza, 100% of the casualties are civilian and our corrupt Senate made the decision yesterday, April 23, 2024, to send $95 billion for more “lethal aid” to Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan.
But don’t worry, Biden today, April 24, tells us he will send a token amount of food aid, I think $1 billion, to Gaza. As if he thinks we’re stupid enough to think the Genocidal state of Israel will allow food aid to enter Gaza! If Israel allowed aid into Gaza, the Gazans wouldn’t be starving.
If Israel wasn’t intentionally cleansing Gaza, they wouldn’t have intentionally targeted the World Central Kitchen trucks that were bringing food to Gaza on April 2, 2024.
If Israel wasn’t intentionally starving Gazans in 2010, they wouldn’t have intentionally assassinated 7 of the 39 food aid workers on a Flotella who trying to break Israel’s Navy blockade of Gaza in 2010 as shown in this documentary by John Pilger’s The War We Don’t See linked to here.
According to Wikipedia, “The Gaza flotilla raid was a military operation by Israel against six civilian ships of the "Gaza Freedom Flotilla" on 31 May 2010 in international waters in the Mediterranean Sea. Nine of the flotilla passengers were killed during the raid, with thirty wounded (including one who later died of his wounds).[1][2]
I had heard of a Flotilla but not until yesterday when I watched the John Pilge4r movie, The War You Don’t See, did I see it for what it was which was a war crime by Israeli Defense Force murdering seven and wounding 30 Humanitarian Aid workers trying to break a Navy blockade that I assume has been illegal since 2010 to deliberately starve the population which is a war crime against humanity that we have been letting go on since 2010 and probably since 1947 which is when a Nazi Zionist Deep State essentially took over our means of understanding world events.
I first got an idea of this problem with a simple statement I saw made by John Simken, the founder of the amazing website, Spartacus, on LinkedIn which was something like, “Does it seem Americans don’t know what is going on?”
This is our problem. We don’t know what is going on in the world because our journalism is faked by our own government to deceive us and we don’t even know it.
What we need is what Julian Assange was trying to provide to us with Wikileaks which is scientific journalism as he tells John Pilger in The War You Don’t See documentary which was made in 2008.
The evidence is overwhelming that we don’t know what is going it and that has been orchestrated from “above” by the “central planners” like those described by George Orwell in 1984 (which he told us was 1948), but which it was hard to understand because they keep the reality of it from being told by controlling the “narrative” in the media and in our educational curriculums.
It has been easy for them to do because in the 1970’s, they shifted the way tax dollars are distributed from coming from the Federal government to the people and they started distributing our monies from the Federal government to the state government that then supposedly has a better idea how to get it to the people. Wrong!
We have to reverse this entire invisible way government operates so that the system of government we have is the one that we had before the National Security Act began invisibly replacing “conservatives” with “neoconservatives” and “liberals” with “neoliberals”.
We have to get back to where we were before the Federalist Society was formed that started pushing laws back to interpretation of law by “the state Constitution” rather than the natural law interpretation that was at least “bending toward justice” before the invisible military takeover by an “invisible Fascist empire” that we now see started with the Contract with America’s National Security Restoration Act in 1994 and which has become more and more of an overt Fascist non-Representative government ever since.
What enables us to see it now is by seeing how egregiously corrupt our government executives really are in terms of their blindly sending $95 billion to support lethal aid for Israel and Ukraine and Taiwan based on completely biased false deceptive interpretation of what is going on.
One clear example of how media is manipulating us that stands out to me today is the delusional way that Nancy Pelosi stop up before the decision on Tuesday saying the Senate had to send this $90 billion to Ukraine to stop the Russians from raping the women and children, when in fact, we know from news analysts that the stories about Russians raping people at the beginning of Russian “occupation” of Eastern Ukraine which they had to do because it was on their border were all made up by the media a propaganda.
The other insulting aspect of the Senate vote was the way the Democrats then waved the Ukraine flag after the vote as if the majority vote for sending billions to Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan in any way is something that we the people want from our government.
What the real Democrats and Republicans want is truth and an honest government that spends our money on what we need.
Another particularly egregious example of a “contradiction” between what our government is doing vs what they should be doing if this was a democracy is rhe way Anthony Blinken today went to Columbia University to speak out about how the student protests for Israel to stop starving Gaza are “anti-Semitic”.
For a government to be killing us and calling us anti-Semitic is beyond all norms any of us have ever seen or expected to see in our lifetime.
But the fact is this is apparently now “who we are” and we have to figure out how to fix the problem which is to start by taking away the power of the media to mislead us through their media monopoly-scripted propaganda.
This is why our government created the Federal Communications Commission and the Fairness Doctrine which we need to put back in to take away the way the media is now being used as a propaganda arm of the corrupt power elites.
We must put in a FCC that monitors social media and media alike only to stop abuses of power by the corporate owners of the media not the users of the media.
This same logic is the logic which tells us that the Justice Department and the Senate should not be allowed to mandate that the Chinese platform TikTok be required to sell itself to an American company. This is insane logic of a Fascist nationalist state.
The sane way we need our Justice Department’s anti-trust division and our Commerce Department Committees to analyze and solve our mass media problem is to prosecute the monopoly powers that are abusing their monopoly power which is the US government operating as a monopoly power waging political wars of aggression on other countries like China, Russia, Iran, Palistine, and all the countries of the world.
We need to stop being a bully nation which is what our college students are rightly protesting and what I am protesting and this doesn’t make us anti-Semitic, it makes us anti-Zionist.
The truth is the US and the Israeli Zionist power configuration created the propaganda-manufactured “pandemic” and we created the mRNA vaccines that caused the Covid Flu Pneumonia “outbreak” which is causing the huge spike in chronic disease , cancer, AIDS, sterility, sudden death and our pro-Zionist controlled government is threatening any civilian including doctors, journalists and presumably politicans with losing their jobs if they speak out about it.
We know it’s the mRNA vaccines that is killing us because it’s true.
We know it because Covid is a bioweapon designed in a Lab at Wuhan that the US Congress created and financed in 2004, but we keep lying about it.
We embedded Weber Shandwick in the CDC who then embedded an army of paid propagandists into the CDC to keep pushing the Big Lie to the American Medical Association that the vaccines are safe and effective and the virus came from nature rather than a lab, especially not our laboratory and they paid the media and the social media to remove those of us who are telling the truth about their big lies.
We need to file a class action defamation suit against them for falsely calling those of us who are telling the truth and trying to save the lives of others as conspiracy theorists and they falsely claim they have the right to deplatform us for going against “community standards” when we publish articles that lead to vaccine hesitancy.
I first learned about the fact that the virus came from the Wuhan Laboratory from a January 2020 interview on Alex Jones, InfoWars, who has been right on this and all things including Sandy Hook from the beginning, with Professor Francis Boyle, the top Harvard-educated Law Professor at the University of Illinois College of Law and author of the UN Biological Warfare Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 which President George H.W. Bush signed which should have stopped the US from developing these genetically modified single cell parasitic organisms through US financed CRSPR labs at Fort Detrick and Wuhan as well as other forms of biological and chemical warfare like genetically engineered mRNA spike protein injections that their own covered-up trial data analyzed by Dr. Naomi Wolf ‘s team showed that there were huge number of people in the trials that had vaccine adverse events and that didn’t count the slow emerging diseases like blood clots and blook cancer like Leukemia and Lymphoma that we see now.
The truth is people are dying in record numbers from the diseases that we’ve been told we are being protected from by mandated kill shots that the corrupt FDA/ CDC and other institutions our US government is continuing force on the remaining billions of people who aren’t being informed enough to understand they should have refused the vaccine in the first place.
This is not a “conspiracy theory”. It is a conspiracy fact that has been validated by top experts worldwide and which is only still being perpetuated by a government form of warfare called propaganda that our government could not have been able to push through if our CIA and DOJ and Congress had not been able to subvert the FCC and the Fairness Doctrine through corrupt Congressional mandates that are not even reported on in the news because the corrupt U.S. Agency for Global Media that was only supposed to oversee the propaganda programs of the Reinhard Gehlen-created Voice of America and Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty, has secretly replaced the Federal Communication Commission and the Fairness Doctrine without we the people even being told about it. (An excellent book that exposes this that should be used to prosecute the illegal secret replacement of the Federal Communications Commission with the US Agency for Global Media is Networks of Power: Corporate TV’s Threat to Democracy by Dennis W. Mazzocco.)
All of this has been exposed through the investigative research of scholars who have recently come together under the umbrella of the Deep Political State that falls under the 90+ year old Berkeley professor and former Diplomat, Peter Dale Scott, author of The American Deep State which is essentially the warning that our Congress and Senate and Presidents need to understand and use to restore right regulations, laws and policies on.
In other words, thousands of the best scholars worldwide agree with the findings like those of a jury who were presented the facts regarding how this group of insiders associated with the Project for a New American Century and Netanyahu in Israel were the orchestrators of the 9/11 attack.
We know that the roots of all this continued financing of FISA and the Patriot Act lies in the 1947 National Security Act that created the CIA, NATO, and the Carl Schmitt neoFederalist war plan called Operation Gladio.
Operation Gladio was a war plan to use what they called “the strategy of tension” to put in place what Fletcher Prouty called The Secret Team which was the plan to bring about the Fourth Reich by using false flag attacks to divide and conquer us by dividing us into warring factions Carl Schmitt called Us vs Them or Friend vs Enemy.
The bottom line is we must demand that the Senate vote to end rather than extend the FISA act because to fail to do so is to enable continue illegal 4th Amendment violating surveillance of America’s and the world’s population and it enables our corrupt neo-Nazi National Security State intelligence agencies and Department of Defense contractors and front groups to continue to violate Corrupt Foreign Practices laws and Federal Honest Services laws by passing bills that have been designed to represent the interest of the Israel Lobby through AIPAC that has bribed them to finance what George Washington warned us against, which were "foreign entanglements” and corrupt political party warfare like he experienced with the British Crown, Rothschild agent, Alexander Hamilton Federalist Party vs the Jeffersonian, Democratic Republican anti-Federalists, and covering it up using their control over the entire US global media ecosystem though the US Global Media Agency which has covertly replaced our Federal Communications Commission.
I started this post complaining about getting a Substack I never subscribed to from ultra Zionist lobbyist Allan Dershowitz who I feel should not have been able to send propaganda to me or anyone who doesn’t subscribe to him through Substack.
The problem of Allan Dershowitz being about to send me a propaganda newsletter from Substack which I have linked to below, is that Allan Dershowitz is widely known ultraZionist puppet of the Israel lobby or what the world-class sociologist, James Petras calls the ultra-Zionist Power Configuration.
The problem is not that we need to revise regulations on Substack barring someone like Alan Dershowitz from sending deceptive propaganda to people like me who joined Substack because it is a site where people like me and Chris Hedges and Seymour Hersh and Steve Corbett and the many scholars like Robert Malone and Peter McCullough and Sasha Lapova came to because Substack was supposed to be a place where we wouldn’t be deplatformed like we have been from Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube for blowing the whistle on the fact that our government is the criminal state behind the development of the virus behind the Pandemic as a way to issue mRNA vaccines that cause the diseases that we are told the vaccines will protect us from.
The problem with Alan Dershowitz getting to push lies about pro-Palestinians being a threat to Democracy through Substack with his deceptive propaganda article illegally being sent to people like me on a platform that was designed by the people for the people is that I know and Congress and the Senate and the people of America and the world should know and would know if we had a rightly regulated mass media regulated by the FCC Fairness Doctrine rather than the US Agency for Global Media which is the agency that was created to be the oversight regulatory agency that oversaw the Voice of America and Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty as part of the National Security Act of 1947 with the explicit caveat that these government-funded propaganda media operations like RFE/ RL and Voice of America not be allowed to push their deceptive Democracy propaganda on Americans.
The question is what changed? By what form of "legal warfare” did ultra-Zionist Alan Dershowitz get access to my emails to send propaganda pushing the deceptive Revisionist Zionist Big Lie saying that student protests on campuses are a threat to democracy when in fact student protests in defense of Palestinian human rights are the only thing that might save democracy if we had a mass media that picked up on their cries for our government and all governments worldwide to obey human rights laws and stop killing innocent men, women and children worldwide and covering it up through unethical, anti-democratic propaganda that should be made illegal.
What we need are for all state secrets to be reported on not covered up and protected with democracy-threatening required Non-disclosure laws (NDL’s) that I know for a fact all our Special Forces in the US Army have to sign which means that if they tell about the atrocities they know about from first hand experience, they will automatically be put into solitary confinement for life for treason like has been done to Julian Assange - even though he is not a citizen and presumably never signed a NDA, and would have been done to Edward Snowden if he hadn’t been protected by Russia.
The problem is that it is us - the US National Security State - that is our enemy - and the ultra-Zionist Neo-Nazi neoFascist neoFederalist lawyers like Alan Dershowitz that we are allowing to perpetuate these forms of legalized “undue influence” on the population of world.
What’s worse is that our politically-weaponized government-reconstructed legal system is so corrupt that it allows its Justice Department to not prosecute the worst offenses of its prosecutors like Allan Dershowitz using invisible Executive Orders like the Reagan-signed Executive Order 12333 that made it secret and apparently longstanding ongoing Justice Department and CIA policy for the Justice Department not to investigate itself or the CIA as long as the Presidentially-appointed heads of the Justice Department (DOJ) meaning the Attorney General now Merrick Garland and the head of the CIA - the DNI - now William Byrnes - agree on it.
The problem is that we have a system of government in the US where we the people have no government body to go to to report the facts proving that that our government officials and our military and our vast extended system of CIA front groups (see Wayne Madson’s Unauthorized Guide to CIA Front Groups) have been intentionally and openly waging a secret World War III dirty terrorist war on the world like they are doing in Palestine now ever since Alan Dulles and William Donovan and Reinhard Gehlen and agents of the Crown, probably Churchill and Lord Rothschild tricked Truman into signing the National Security Act of 1947 which deceptively allowed for “covert operations” which Truman wrote in the New York Times after seeing JFK killed as an obvious false flag operation, which we now know likely done by the Mossad according to Laurent Guyenot’s excellent book, JFK and the Unspoken.
There is also evidence that Franklin Delano Roosevelt was killed by the Deep State Power Elites according to Eliot Roosevelt who learned it from Stalin but this is never investigated or talked about in the media.
Similarly, there is evidence that Lincoln was killed by the Deep State but that, too, is covered up by the government and the publishers.
The problem is that our entire system of justice in the American government as it has been revised by ultra-Zionist Federalist Society Justice Department officials like Allan Dershowitz is so corrupt that we allow him to be the Defender of Donald Trump and the Republicans in the first Trump impeachment trials despite the fact that our government and Senators and Congressional Representatives like my Senator Dick Durbin who I have been writing letters like this to for years not only know about this, but are still keeping covered up all these dirty Justice Department CIA Israeli Mossad military intelligence state secrets like the fact that Allan Dershowitz was the lawyer who defended Jonathan Pollards’s giving a football field’s worth of top national security secrets regarding US nuclear weapons and biological weapons at Los Alamos and Sandia Labs using the Promis software which the Justice Department and the CIA and the Mossad made into the Octopus surveillance system that is FISA.
The Promis software scandal is something many of us have been investigating and writing about and trying to get Congress to open another investigation into after much of it was exposed in the 1980’s with the Iran Contra investigations, but in the end, all of these hearings by Lawrence Walsh, and the Christic Institute and Jack Brooks and the Federal Justice Court case that was made by former US Attorney General Eliot Abrams were suppressed by President George H.W. Bush's Attorney General William Barr along with records by William Barr simply referring the case to the only agency that supposedly has the power to prosecute Justice Department prosecutors, the Office of Professional Responsibility, which is where all these cases have gone to die to this day.
This is why I continue to try to make this case as a citizen investigator and citizen prosecutor in the model for citizen prosecutions used by Daniel Sheehan’s nonprofit Christic Institute which the government punished with a million dollar counter-suit which led Daniel Sheehan to shut down the Christic Institute and reopen as the Romero Institute which is still doing some cases and I think should be able to work with me to develop a 9/11 Truth case using the evidence I outline herein.
I think the critical thing we the people need to try to do to stop the killing by our covert counterintelligence to organize activists to work together to advocate for change in the laws like changing the way the Department of Defense requires those who know about our government’s use of our military to commit atrocities to be silent about it or be put in prison for life based on mandated Non-disclosure agreements.
If we don’t know about these secret non-disclosure agreements requiring our military and the media to be silent about their atrocities, we have no way to stop what the mass communications theorist, Elizabeth Noelle Neumann who lived through Nazi Germany before coming to teach at the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago called "the spiral of silence" which she described as being having secret government censors surveilling us 24/7 like an “invisible man”.
Clearly this is what we have now with the kind of FBI censorship of Twitter that was exposed by Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger in the Twitter files only because Elon Musk allowed it, but nothing has been done to stop this abuse of power by the secret intelligence agencies because our clearly captured Congress, Senate and President keep renewing FISA - the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act as they did on April 24 despite wide criticism by the honest progressive news analysts like Kevin Barrett, Chris Hedges, Tucker Carlson, Jimmy Dore, Max Blumenthal, Aaron Mate, Kim Iverson, Sabby Sabs - who are now all on alternative media because the Zionist Lobby had them pushed off if they criticize the War of Terror or Israel.
The problem is that the truth that Americans are not being told is that the FISA is being used to surveille targets like me and Matt Taibbi and Gary Webb and Michael Ruppert and Julian Assange and Cynthia McKinney and Paul Findley and Jeff Gates and Christopher Bollyn and Steve Kansas and Danny Sheehan and all of those who dare to try to expose how the CIA and FBI use illegal methods against investigative journalists and whistleblowers.
The people know about this because it has been exposed through great documentaries that break through the truth suppression algorithms used by social media companies which their corrupt lawyers claim is legal since they claim their “platforms” like the Facebook platform are exempt from the FCC Fairness Doctrine rules which had been upheld by the Supreme Court which ruled that the spirit of the law related to the Fairness Doctrine was that the media belongs to the people not the corporations.
The truth is that the Justice Department’s and the CIA’s war on the people and our democracy began with the Justice Department’s and the CIA’s use of legal warfare to subvert the FCC Fairness Doctrine which led to the ability of corrupt head of the CIA under Reagan, William Casey, filing a CIA complaint against ABC and eventually using his power over the SEC to allow his company, Capital Cities to buy ABC and use it like the NATO U.S. Agency for Global Media propaganda media used Voice of America and Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty to suppress news coverage in countries across the world to bias news coverage to favor of CIA, NATO intelligence/ Mossad-BND-backed coup d’etats and putting in puppet government dictators like they put in the corrupt Shah of Iran by using corrupt CIA agent Kermit Roosevelt to orchestrate the overthrow of democratic Prime Minister Mossadegh in the 50’s who simply wanted for Iran to get some of the profits from Iran’s vast oil reserves rather than all of it going to BP/ Aramco whose interests the CIA and the Mossad and NATO was really acting to protect.
This is the pattern and practice of the CIA and the Mossad and NATO intelligence agencies and the GCHQ that must be stopped and the only groups that have the power to stop it is the President or the Congress or the Senate if they can be persuaded to do the right thing - which most people doubt they will be able to do because those like Paul Wellstone and John Tower ended up in a suspicious plane crash and those like Paul Findley or Cynthia McKinney were “primaried” and Cynthia McKinney appears to be keeping a low profile.
People should watch this great documentary, American Blackout, linked to below about how Cynthia McKinney was targeted for daring to speak out and the introductory poem, True Lies, by Taalam Acey says everything I am trying here in a much better way that I ever could. https://watchdocumentaries.com/american-blackout/
We also see in great documentaries like The Great Hack how intimidated the whistleblowers at Facebook Cambridge Analytic were for exposing the way that technology giant PR firm worked with super lobbyist group, Strategic Communications Laboratories to rig the Facebook algorithm to favor Donald Trump’s campaign in the 2016 election through Donald Trump’s campaign manager, Alex Karp.
The excellent Channel 4 profile of the illegal ways that the Cambridge Analytica company were able to use military technology AI like that financed by FISA by Donald Trump’s campaign and other illegal campaign methods.
It is critically important for the US Congress and Senate to admit to itself what their problem is which is that each one of them like each one of us has been captured and silenced by our corrupt use of FISA and the Patriot Act surveillance technologies all of which we know about because investigative journalists have continued to research the unjust way that the revolutionary proprietary software developed by William Hamilton for Promis was stolen by Israeli military intelligence with the aid of the Reagan administration’s Head of the CIA and the Reagan Justice Department and then made into counterintelligence software that was used by rogue CIA operatives.
We have 40 years’ worth of incriminating documentary evidence that our government is refusing to look at proving that illegal operations involving surveillance software built off the Promis software were set up by a conspiracy led by Reagan’s Vice President George H. W. Bush and the Israeli General Rafeal Eitan who led the massacres of Sabra and Sabrilla, and William Casey, Head of the CIA, and Edwin Meese, Head of the Reagan DoJ, and Robert Maxwell, the British Newspaper Magnate who Eitan hired to sell the Promise software into US high security sites like Los Alamos where our nuclear secrets are which we know that Jonathan Pollard stole and Maxwell sold to the KGB who sold it to al Qaeda yet our Justice Department is more interested in prosecuting Julian Assange and whistleblowers than investigating its own organized criminal operations.
See Doug Valentine’s excellent books, The CIA as an Organized Crime: How Illegal Operations Corrupt America and the World and The Phoenix Program.
Another important source needed to understand the corrupt roots of the National Security state is David Talbot’s, The Devil’s Chessboard, which this Amazon Book Review describes the undue influence of Allen Dulles well as follows: “Dulles’s decade as the director of the CIA—which he used to further his public and private agendas—were dark times in American politics. Calling himself “the secretary of state of unfriendly countries,” Dulles saw himself as above the elected law, manipulating and subverting American presidents in the pursuit of his personal interests and those of the wealthy elite he counted as his friends and clients—colluding with Nazi-controlled cartels, German war criminals, and Mafiosi in the process. Targeting foreign leaders for assassination and overthrowing nationalist governments not in line with his political aims, Dulles employed those same tactics to further his goals at home, Talbot charges, offering shocking new evidence in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.”
The best investigative sources for understanding the key players in the US and Israel’s criminal Foreign Intelligence Surveillance operations would be books written by ex-Mossad agents like Ari ben Menasche, Profits of War: Inside the Secret U.S./ Israeli Arms Network, and Vincent Ostrovsky, By Way of Deception and The Other Side of Deception, and books by Gordon Thomas whose books, Gideons’ Army and Robert Maxwell: Israeli Superspy, were based on interviews with the SuperSpies like Rafi Eitan and Robert Maxwell.
Gordon Thomas’s books were particularly valuable for understanding from a verifiable source how exactly the Israeli Mossad generated and laundered monies by selling arms to Iran and selling drugs to Americans that were shipped through Southern Air Transport that we know from Terry Reed’s book, Compromised, was run by William Barr using Code name Robert Johnson.
What we really need is for the government to open an official Independent Special investigation into how the Justice Department lawyers and Solicitor Generals like Ted Olson and Allan Dershowitz and all of the Supreme Court Judges who were in the Nixon, Reagan, Bush Justice Departments including current Supreme Court Justices, John Roberts, Brett Kavanaugh, Samuel Alito, John Gorsuch and former Supreme Court Justices, Antonin Scalia, conspired starting back then to bring about the planned legal takeover of the United State government we are experiencing now.
What we really need to hold them accountable for is their plan called the Continuity of Government.
Peter Dale Scott has written about this in his books and articles like the American Deep State and James Mann has written an easier to understand expose on it called The Vulcans which identifies the planners as including all of those who we later learned planned the attack on the World Trade Center and the False Flag propaganda operation that falsely blamed it on Osama bin Laden who we now know actually was given the Promis Software by the KGB that the Israeli Mossad had sold to them.
Although I hadn’t thought of it before, it occurs to me now that this is probably why there is so much information linking the rigging of our election to Putin. It only makes sense if we realize that all of the state actors we are told are either our allies/ friends meaning the NATO states and Israel or our enemies meaning the terrorist-controlled states like Palestine, Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, the Sudan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Sarajevo, Kosovo that we were told we had to wage war on by NATO because they we are told they are run by terrorist group like Hamas, Hezbollah, Isis, al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Mujahideen - all of this can only be understood as being a single globally-orchestrated misinformation narrative orchestrated by a Globalist Cabal that we know is run by the Presidents and Prime Ministers of all the players - including Russia and Putin, the Chinese Communist Party, the Iranians under the Shah and his secret police called SAVAK as well as Iran under the Ayatollah Khomeini.
The only way for us to stop the war is for our governments to step down like they were required to do in South Africa through the Truth and Reconciliation commission process that is required to denazification the Nazi Apartheid state apparatus that is in force in Israel and US government and the UK and all the Nato allies but is being kept invisible because the our establishment corporate and state public mass media is only being told what they are allowed to report which is the one-sided narrative apparently written by the big Public Relations companies hired by Nato’s Atlantic Council that now own both the news aggregators like Thomson Reuters, UPI, API, as well as the corporate broadcasters and newspapers of record like the New York Times as well as National Public Radio whose last CEO came from U.S. Agency for Global Media the regulator that by law was not supposed to push the kind propaganda that the National Security Act of 1947 allowed NATO/ RFE-RL/ Voice of America to push on foreign countries but not Americans.
It appears that part of the reason our Congress and Senate are so pressured to extend the FISA Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act for two more years with the insignificant “reforms” that Senator Dick Durbin put in and the Congressional Committee members like Jim Jordan and Massie pretended to argue over on CNN is that they can’t afford for the truth to come out which is that all of the military operations that have been pushed by our National Security State and our NATO allies and Israel are essentially entirely manufactured wars of the kind described in the book and movie, Wag the Dog and Network by Paddy Chayefsky.
Seriously, this explains why it is rumored that Vladimir Putin was a MI6 asset in Germany before being moved to Russia and made to be seen as an enemy-of-America type of Prime Minister through the news in the late 1990’s right about the time that the Central Banks were shorting the Russian currency.
Basically, these wars are all orchestrated by the Western Powers who have captured the enemy but keep writing the news as if we still have an enemy because as Adam Curtis explains it so well in his wonderful documentary, "The Power of Nightmare”, our neoconservative government starting with Leo Strauss in the US needed an enemy so we created al Zawaheri who created the Muslim Brotherhood by torturing him and promoting his terrorist jihad through our PR-created fake news media machine.
Once you see it, you realize that our government created all of these Deep State events like 9/11 and the Covid epidemic because that is the only way to keep the economy pumped up. They can’t afford to tell the truth because it will burst the economic bubble that is held up by the Western powers - US, Israel, UK Wall Street and City of London and Central Banks of Central Banks which including the Central Bank of Russia, the Central Bank of Israel, the Federal Reserves, the Central Bank of England and the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.
They are all in on it. That’s why our Senate and Congress are approving the extension of the FISA Act and the Patriot Act and Citizens United. Our forever wars of terrorism on terrorism is being driven from the top down by our Supply-side economists and it appears that they have all been bound by the code of silence not to tell the truth about it.
Our only hope however is for we the people to tell each other the truth about all this which is our right according to the laws - some of which are still in place - like the 1913 Gillette Amendment which needs to be enforced by the Interstate Commerce Commission which prohibits the use of public relations by the Federal Government since it leads to an abuse of power.
We also need to put in a Justice Department and Attorney General that will enforce the anti-trust laws that the neoliberal neoconservative Jurists like Federalist Society founder Robert Bork and the Reagan Justice Department have been waging a secret war on by not rightly enforcing.
We also need to restore Federal Honest Services Laws to the way they were before they were “reformed” in the late 1990’s to limit the prosecutable offenses that prosecutors could be prosecuted for to being caught taking a bribe. Before these laws were narrowed in this way, Independent Select Prosecutors like Lawrence Walsh had the power they needed to effectively indict corrupt politicians who were being corruptly counseled by Justice Department prosecutors like Roy Cohn and Rudy Giuliani and Ted Olson and William Barr to not comply with government or Congressional prosecutions by handing over rather than destroying incriminating documents the way that William Barr did for the George HW Bush administration in 1992 and the way he did the same for the Trump administration in 2020.
The bottom line is we have got to stop the way our government has been using FISA powers to corrupt our democratic institutions from the inside by reporting the news based deceptively written intelligence like what David Talbot describes in his book about the CIA, The Devil’s Chessboard and Theirry Meyssen describes in his book, Right before our Eyes: Fake Wars and Big Lies.
We know from thousands of books and articles written by both rightwing and leftwing reliable sources that this abuse of power by the CIA and the Mossad deceiving us with their intelligence started with the killing John F Kennedy and Martin Luther King.
We now know that the reason why our intelligence operations were ordered to silence JFK and MLK is that they were determined to speak out against the Vietnam war and the corrupt way the US CIA and Israeli military intelligence were illegally using corrupt intelligence agency operatives to keep covered up the true story of how the Israeli's bombed the USS Liberty to stop them from monitoring Israel and the way CIA Mossad intelligence was used to deceive the US into escalating the Vietnamese war via the false flag Gulf of Tonkin incident.
We also now know how all of the multibillion dollar surveillance technologies used by our Israeli Defense Force-trained police in our Police fusion centers are dependent on this Constitutionally illegal Fourth Amendment violating espionage which would be made illegal if the Senate failed to extent FISA and the Patriot Act which is why we should consider powerful multi-billion dollar companies like Promis, Palantir, PTech, Pegasus, Systematics, SWIFT in effect the FISA Espionage Lobby that in effect will not allow the Senate to end the unconstitutional FISA act.
The bottom line which we know from groundbreaking investigative journalists like Whitney Webb in her book, One Nation Under Blackmail is that our government is being blackmailed into allowing the FISA technologies to be lawfully used because the essential purpose of all these cybertechnologies is their ability to hack into other databases and sabotage them before they sabotage us like we did with Iran nuclear program even though the country who nuclear program needs to be exposed and legally shut down is Israel’s since the evidence indicates that it was JFK’s intention of shutting down Israel’s Dimona nuclear missile sites that led Israel to assassinate him.
This argument is very effectively been made by Laurent Guyenot in his books, JFK and the Unspoken Truth and 50 Years of Deep State: From JFK to 9/11.
Another important reason we must cancel the FISA act is the way Cambridge Analytic Facebook’s use of FISA technology was used to create misunderstanding in the minds of voters about which candidate, Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump was more of a criminal.
We know from great historians and analysts like Grant Smith in his book, Big Israel, and Walter Hixson, and Norm Finklestein and John Meirsheimer that the Israel Lobby is having a powerful negative influence on our elections and no one in Mass Media or Government even dares to talk about this.
The problem is that we can’t solve the problem of the incredibly dangerous undue influence of the Israel Lobby unless we can talk about in the media and in government debate with is something we know we are being completely censored from doing by the way the Israel lobby openly and aggressively removing from the media and social media everyone who spoke out rather than defending the vaccine mandates.
What really concerns those of us who are trying to influence our government to look at the issue is the way the governments in the US and all the Five Eyes and NATO governments have been so like totalitarian dictatorships in the way the Canadian government under Trudeau even used the power of the bank’s to cut of the ability of the truckers who joined the convoys protesting the vaccine mandates to access their own bank accounts.
Ultimately, the main reason we have to abolish FISA because it is the only way we can stop the CIA and the Special Forces and NATO and the many mercenary armies like Blackwater and Wackenhut and DynCorp from operating as the world’s largest Organized Criminal Syndicate effectively being the single worldwide monopoly in illegal trafficking of drugs, and arms and humans and the technology used to cover up the financing of these operations through the leading banking system starting with leading banking software built off of the Promis software stolen from Bill and Nancy Hamilton in the 1980’s that we know was developed into the software system owned by billionaire backer of Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign, Jackson Stevens, called Systematics. We definitely need to open a complete audit and investigation of the way that there has been an ongoing cover-up of the shady way the Systematics software was used by the Clinton’s which clearly involved the cover-up of the death of Vincent Foster who had been the lawyer representing the Systematics account with Hillary Clinton’s Rose Law Firm.
We also need to audit the way the Systematics software has morphed into other leading banking systems like the SWIFT system starting with opening a full investigation of the way the Clinton’s, and their campaign manager, Rahm Emanuel, who is said to be the head of the Mossad in North America, used the Systematics software to money launder the notorious BCCI (said to be the Bank of Crooks and Criminals) was used with BIS and other banks like Credit Suisse to launder the proceeds from the distribution of the Promis software through the Saudi's largest banker, Mohammed bin Mahfouz, and the world’s largest arms distributor, Adnan Khashoggi, and the Deputy Director at the Department of Defense under Rumsfeld in May 1985, Richard Armitage, and the well-known to be the corrupt middleman who negotiated the Iran-Contra criminal operation whereby the CIA exchanged arms and drugs for profit which many experts now say was done to pay off the Iranians who were blackmailing the Reagan Administration’s CIA and DoJ for Arms to keep them for exposing the 600 page confession given by William Buckley under torture that exposed the Nixon Republican’s part in orchestrating the assassinations of MLK, RFK, MLK and Malcolm X and probably their many other uses of assassinations to decapitate the leaders of states that were refusing to get into debt to the IMF and the World Bank as we know from John Perkins “Confessions of an Economic Hitman”.
We also need to stop FISA in order to stop the way it is being used to cover-up the way the US and Israel and their front groups like DynCorp, Carlyle Group, Halliburton, Wackenhut continue to finance secret US government Department of Defense programs like developing nanoparticle AIDS viruses that are put on missiles at Area 51 which are designed to be sent into areas like the Gaza Strip to kill off the population in a way that protects the US and Israeli Defense Forces with plausible deniability.
Allan Dershowitz today's propaganda email is just a small example of the way our National Security intelligence agencies are using trillions of dollars spent by criminal state cyberwarfare and surveillance intelligence systems that were built off of the CIA DOJ Inslaw PROMIS software that Israel’s head of Military Intelligence, Rafeal Eitan, stole from the American people and the Department of Justice and made into the ultimate surveillance tool used by the FISA Act agencies and our enemies including the KGB and al Qaeda in 1983 - a case that was heard by Congress under Jack Brooks and the Federal Courts in 1993, but was then buried by William Barr - an act of treason that he and the Intelligence Community under both Parties continue to cover up.
This is what Jeff Gates in his book calls "Guilt by Association” and we must have a Nuremberg type of hearing on it now - substituting the US, the UK, Israel, and NATO states for Germany Nazi officials as was done in a corrupt way in the first Nuremberg Trials.
I say the original Nuremberg Trial were corrupt because, in fact, unknown to people today in the Revisionist Zionist historical record, deals were made by the US and UK governments to allow the Nazi’s like Martin Bormann to live in exchange for him transferring the Nazi Gold to the corrupt Fourth Reich Invisible Empire through the Central Banks of Central Banks - the Bank of International Settlements - a crime that is still covered up by the corrupt governments of the US, UK, Israel, and NATO today.
It is critical that we do this now because it is the only way to get the US state through its Congress and Senate and the International Courts to stop US and Israel and NATO’s genocide of Palestine with $90 billion of US citizens tax dollars.
We must stop sending this $90 billion of additional “lethal aid” to Israel in addition to the $30 trillion of lethal aid we have been spending on proxy wars since 1947 in the interest of the “national security” of foreign governments of the invisible Globalist lobby in general and the AIPAC lobby in particular.
The decision to send this money must be delayed tomorrow until all the evidence I, Ellen Corley, have been collecting for 10 years and have been blocked from being able to submit to Congress as a representative by the corrupt covert agents of the AIPAC lobby called the Mossad’s “sayanim” who have been infiltrated into the parties by FBI.
For those who don’t know, according to Wikipedia, Sayanim (a Hebrew word for helpers or assistants) are unpaid Jewish civilians who help Mossad out of a sense of devotion to Israel. According to Gordon Thomas in his book, Gideon’s Spies: Mossad’s Secret Warriors, the Sayanim were a creation of Mier Amit, the Chief Director of the Mossad from 1963 -1968. Thomas writes, “Each Sayan was an example of historical cohesiveness of the world Jewish community. Regardless of allegiance to his or her country, in the final analysis, a Savan would recognize a greater loyalty: the mystical one to Israel, and a need to help protect it from its enemies”.
I, Ellen Corley, believe I was falsely removed from the Green Party ballot for Congess by an organized effort of “Sayanim” in my 5th Congressional District of Illinois which is an issue I still need to bring before the courts and Congress because it is becoming an issue with a significant undue influence on our government.
I am posting my Candidate Questionnaire in the Appendix to this analysis that I believe is evidence of an organized effort to block the ability of those who are exposing the crime of Israel’s foreign influence on our government to be on the ballot by their falsely defaming candidates as being “anti-Semitic”.
In my case, I believe it is particularly important that this be officially brought to justice in a Federal and International Court basis because in my case, I have proof that this Sayanim that blocked my candidacy and my ability to talk at my local free speech forum was organized by a person who I allege is blocking me both as a Sayan assistant to the Mossad as well as a covert agent of the FBI.
The person I am talking about, Charlie Paidock, is technically just the volunteer administrator of a 70 plus year old free speech forum in Chicago called, the College of Complexes (see CollegeofComplexes.org), but he told me years ago, thinking that I was a covert FBI agent, that he was a covert FBI agent. Since that time, approximately eight years ago, I have confronted him every week with his being a FBI agent, which he has never admitted or denied, but he has become increasingly hostile and aggressive in terms of not allowing me to be the presenter of talks like I had before on critically important topics like the Deep State, the War on Science, the Supreme Court and the Betrayal of America – which on Feb 22, 2022, I focused my presentation on what I had just begun researching which was the incriminating evidence of corruption based on the way the incriminating evidence involved in the vast right wing conspiracy of prosecutor’s misconduct regarding how the truth regarding Israel and the US government’s suppression of the way the PROMIS software being used for illegal cyberwarfare operations against its own citizens by its own US, Israeli, UK, and NATO intelligence agencies.
I am posting the link to the talk I gave on PROMIS here.
I am linking the Candidate Questionnaire I submitted in June 2020 that was wrongfully cited as “evidence” of my being “anti-Semitic” by a majority of a small group of apparently Zionist Sayanim Green Party operatives to block my right to be put on the Ballot as the Green Party Candidate in the Illinois Fifth District in June 2020 which was a unique situation due to a decision by a Judge that due to the Pandemic being an impediment for people like me to have been able to gather signature, the process for getting on the ballot in my District 5 that Quigley now holds was to be a decision made by the Head of the Cook County Green Party, Rita Maniotas. According to what she told me after the small group of Green Party “activists” found another Candidate who literally wrote nothing on his Candidate Questionnaire and whose only qualification was apparently being Jewish, she said the reason they voted to replace her decision with theirs was that I was “anti-Semitic”.
I believe that we have to organize a Congressional Hearing on the way that Israeli-Americans are putting laws on State Constitutions that wrongfully target everyone who dares speak out about the illegality and corruption of these state laws.
Clearly this is a critical issue that must be addressed now before the it is too late for all candidates – rather than just pro-Israel pro-Zionist AIPAC-slated candidates - to have a chance to get on the ballot before the 2024 election.
It is also critically important that this hearing hear the extensive evidence that is not currently known to the government or the people that the true source of “undue influence” on our elections is not a foreign “enemy of the state” like Putin or Hamas as is wrongfully and corruptly asserted by those in Congress and both Political Parties who pushed through the $95 billion Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) on April 24, 2024.
The kind of Special Select Congressional Hearing that needs to be presented to Congress now in a transparent globally televised format like in an Impeachment Trial or the McCarthy Hearings on UnAmerican Activities HUAC in the 50’s.
The problem is the information that came out in the 1970’s Church Hearings and the 1980’s Iran Contra Hearings and the 1990’s Hearings on Assassinations has been covered up and the desperately needed reforms that were never brought about after those hearings.
Most important information that came out of those hearings is that our government intelligence agencies including CIA have been secretly focused on researching and developing and using atomic, biological and chemical weapons and using them on civilians worldwide and all the while falsely controlling the news media to portray current events and modern history as if America and Israel and NATO and the Western Powers have done no wrong whereas in fact, it has always been us who has been orchestrating and financing the regional proxy wars and war crimes around the world – always blaming it on the “enemy” all of which were totally manufactured by us.
I am not exaggerating saying this.
A good summary of it has been compiled by William Blum in his book, Rogue State. Here’s a link to a description of it by the late William Blum: https://williamblum.org/books/rogue-state/
Rogue State
A Guide to the World’s Only Superpower

2005, 308 pages
Published by Common Courage Press (USA), Zed Books (UK) 2006
ISBN: 9781567513745 (USA), 9781842778272 (UK)
If you believed that the NATO (read U.S.) bombing of Yugoslavia for 78 days and nights in 1999 was a “humanitarian” act, Rogue State hopefully can serve as a wake-up call to both your intellect and your conscience. It is a mini-encyclopedia of the numerous un-humanitarian acts perpetrated by the United States since the end of the Second World War.
“Rogue State forcibly reminds us of Vice President Agnew’s immortal line: ‘The United States, for all its faults, is still the greatest nation in the country’.” – Gore Vidal, author, The Decline and Fall of the American Empire
“Critics will call this a one-sided book. But it is an invaluable corrective to the establishment portrait of America as the world’s greatest force for peace. Even confirmed opponents of U.S. interventionism can find much in this important book that will both educate and shock them.” – Peter Dale Scott, former Professor at UC Berkeley, poet, and author, Deep Politics and The Death of JFK
“Bill Blum came by his title easily. He simply tested America by the same standards we use to judge other countries. The result is a bill of wrongs – an especially well-documented encyclopedia of malfeasance, mendacity and mayhem that has been hypocritically carried out in the name of democracy by those whose only true love was power.” – Sam Smith, Editor, The Progressive Review, Washington, DC
“Bravo Blum! A vivid, well-aimed critique of the evils of US global interventionism, a superb antidote to officialdom’s lies and propaganda.” – Michael Parenti, author of History as Mystery and To Kill a Nation: The Attack on Yugoslavia
Table of Contents
Ours and theirs: Washington’s love/hate relationship with terrorists and human-rights violators
· 1. Why do terrorists keep picking on the United States?
· 2. America’s gift to the world—the Afghan terrorist alumni
· 3. Assassinations
· 4. Excerpts from US Army and CIA Training Manuals
· 5. Torture
· 6. The unsavories
· 7. Training new unsavories
· 8. War criminals: theirs and ours
· 9. Haven for terrorists
· 10. Supporting Pol Pot
United States use of weapons of mass destruction
· 12. Depleted uranium
· 13. Cluster bombs
· 14. Chemical and biological weapons abroad
· 15. Chemical and biological weapons at home
· 16. Encouraging the use of CBW by other nations
A Rogue State Versus the World
· 17. A concise history of US global interventions, 1945-present
· 18. Perverting elections
· 19. Trojan Horse: the National Endowment for Democracy
· 20. The US versus the world at the United Nations
· 21. Eavesdropping on the planet
· 22. Kidnapping and looting
· 23. How the CIA sent Nelson Mandela to prison for 28 years
· 24. The CIA and drugs: just say ‘Why not?’
· 25. Being the world’s only superpower means never having to say you’re sorry
· 26. The US invades, bombs and kills for it…but do Americans really believe in free enterprise?
· 27. A day in the life of a free country…or…how does the United States get away with it?
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I, Ellen Corley, am basically an independent intelligence analyst who has been fact-checking this hypothesis that, in fact, the enemy is us, and posting about it for the last 10+ years and I have not found any evidence that contradicts this.
Literally. I have collected more than a thousand books and probably more than ten thousand articles that are piled up around my ResearchWorksChicago home office that I just want to bring to Washington where I can be the lead Independent Special Prosecutor in an Independent Special Select Committee with the power to prosecute the corrupt legal counsels in the Justice Department and the CIA and the Judiciary and the Supreme Court in a South Africa style Truth and Reconciliation Commission process.
If it goes right, I would like to run for President in an election where we are all Independent and where all candidates are screened to remove those who lie about their crimes like in a Truth and Reconciliation Commission which I have heard there have been 60 around the world – apparently every country but the US and Israel and NATO.
The bottom line is that we know from all the many hearings into Deep State events since the assassination of JFK that never identified the Conspiracy, the Warren Commission,Watergate, the Church Hearings, the Iran-Contra hearings, the Clinton impeachment hearings, the 9/11 Commission hearings, the Trump impeachment hearings, none of these has ever actually prosecuted the criminals behind the Criminal State or actually deNazified/ removed from power the Synarchist Nazi Fascist neoFederalist criminal syndicate that actually rules America.
My guess is the students protesting at virtually college campus in America won’t stop protesting and calling for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions of Israel until the war criminals running these covert operations against non-aggressor foreign governments, we have violated in our war on peace are brought to justice in a Truth and Reconciliation process like the South African one shown in the excellent John Boorman movie, In My Country.
Those should be accountable would be those who put on the Witness Stand fail to be honest about the war crimes committed by the US CIA, the Israeli Mossad, MI6, NATO Intelligence agencies, the Security Services, and the Justice Department since 1981 starting with Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Benjamin Netanyahu, John Roberts, William Burns, Anthony Blinken, William Burns, …
The bottom line is Democracy in America will not survive unless our government is run by elected officials who like the alcoholic in denial can only recover if they can admit that upon seeing evidence to the contrary that the “enemy is us” – meaning the government of the US and Israel - not Putin and not Hamas.
Daniel Sheehan of the Romero Institute has made clear the reality of our situation in his many lectures that he gives to College Students and Adult in California College that can be seen, at least in part, on the Romero Institute podcasts on YouTube. https://www.danielpsheehan.com/ucsc-2013-jfk-assassination/
I say in part because I haven’t seen any lately on the violations of our rights relative to the Pandemic or 9/11 and the US and Israel’s violations of the rights of Palestinians in Gaza which may be because these videos would cause YouTube to give them a “strike” that would lead to all the Romero Institute videos being removed from YouTube.
I believe that we need brilliant citizen lawyers like Danny Sheehan and citizen scientists like Len Horowitz, Robert Malone, Dr. Drew, Dr. Merryl Nass and citizen doctors like Peter McCullough and citizen candidates for political office like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and me to be able to communicate freely about the clear and obvious danger of our government only allowing only those who would push a killer vaccine on its people to be able to post on social media sites and YouTube and be on the ballot which is the problem with Democracy in America and Israel and worldwide now.
Our problem is the US and Israel Deep State having total monopoly power to censor those who tell the truth about the fact that it is Israel and the US that are the real enemies of the people who have been waging an invisible total war on us since 1947 and covering up all their state crimes against democracy through total invisible censorship of their corrupt patterns and practices including the way they are new apparently giving themselves “absolute immunity from prosecution” like the Supreme Court appears to be about to give the President now after hearing the oddly televised Trump versus the United States Supreme Court hearing on April 26, 2024.
Our enemy is our own Domestic Intelligence Surveillance that is being done through our covert counterintelligence operations targeting investigative journalists and whistleblowers that are exposing them – like Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, Gary Webb, Danny Casolaro, Kevin Barrett, Cynthia McKinney, AIM (Douglas McKibben, Gabriel), Steve Corbett, Whitney Webb, Jeremy Corbyn, Oliver Stone, William Pepper, James diEugenio, Michael Parenti, Peter Dale Scott, Christopher Bollyn, Christopher Hedges, Norman Finklestein, Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, all of the 9/11 Truthers, all of the Covid Truthers, all of those teachers, writers, journalists, publishers, students - who have woken up and tried to wake up our fellow brothers and sisters in the family of man as to who our enemy really is.
Our enemy is the Deep State – primarily globally-integrated NATO CIA Operation Gladio intelligence agencies that have been waging a $30+ trillion dollar right-wing Fascist “war on Communism” now the “war on terrorism” which is fact is an invisible war of terrorism both political parties are waging on all of us – especially those of us like the pro-Palestinian protestors and those of us who are cheering them on and have been advocating for a return to the regulated form of government we had before the invisible empire began subverting our democracy with unscientific reactionary “deregulation” policies of invisible reactionary Fascists called Revisionist Zionist.
We must have a hearing that reverses the way right wing ideologues in both the Republican Party and the Democratic Party as well as the Libertarian and Green parties have been putting in economic and foreign policies that are targeting and silencing the voices and the ability of the 99 percent meaning the real moral majority, the real compassionate Conservatives and honest progressives and honest liberals and honest conservatives who are waking up to the reality of there being an invisible empire run by bankers and lawyers that is secretly killing us just like they are killing Palestinians in Gaza as if we are bugs in a jar or trash to be removed or grass to be mowed.
Having been frustrated by agents of the government from getting this evidence before a Court with the power and authority to stop the US government's financing of illegal wars and sanctions of other countries which they never had the legal authority to wage or finance.
Specifically, according to law regarding sanctions, the US government is only allowed to sanction other governments that have attacked us - which neither Russia, Iran, China or any particular terrorist ever has.
We have to cancel the War on Terror because it has always been an illegal war only made legal by illegal acts like the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, the National Defense Authorization Act which were built off the Patriot Act which was a bill written by the government laws like Allan Dershowitz and those in the Reagan/ Bush/ Casey/ Meese / Nixon / McConnell/ Roberts, Bork/ Scalia/ Thomas/ Barr CIA and Justice Department for government representatives of the Israel lobby and Israel Military Intelligence, Benjamin Netanyahu and Rafael Eitan who were actually representatives of the terrorist groups that waged terrorist war on the UN representatives like Count Bernadotte who were trying to negotiate a settlement between Israel and Palestine.
Everyone in the world except for our representatives in Congress, the Senate, the Supreme Court, and the executive branch of government that the Israeli government under Benjamin Netanyahu and his Likud Party which is an extension of the Irgun terrorist group and the Stern terrorist group which is an extension of the Revisionist Zionist movement of Ze’ev Jabotinsky which according to the following Wikipedia link to Revisionist Zionism is a movement which is committed to expanding the territory of Israel from the River to the Sea using terrorist warfare.
This is the Wikipedia link on Revisionist Zionism
This is the email I got from Substack I never subscribed to of Revisionist Zionist Sayanim Legal Counsel for traitor, Jonathan Pollard, Allan Dershowitz (see Dersh.Substack.com) who I assume has given himself absolute immunity from prosecution for the defrauding of America by “law fare”
Ivy League Anti-Israel Protests Could Prove More Dangerous Than January 6 or Charlottesville
Ivy League Anti-Israel Protests Could Prove More Dangerous Than January 6 or Charlottesville
4 days ago · 21 likes · 15 comments · Alan Dershowitz
I will be trying to ensure that this information reaches every member of the Senate and the Editors of Major newspapers so that they will make decision according to the intent of the Constitution and the people before before tomorrow’s vote.
I hope that everyone who receives this will act as mandated reporter to inform each other of the need to stop voting for additional aid to criminal state operatives based on undue influence of infiltrated Revisionist Zionist operatives of the Mossad called Sayanim which we believe includes everyone including Dick Durbin, Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi who took AIPAC money to finance their campaigns in elections since 1983 when Mossad began infiltration of the US government at every level including the level of the appointed Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank which needs to be audited first and foremost.
Ellen Corley
1500 N LaSalle, #3D
Chicago, IL 60610
312-371-5078 (c)
312-664-2631 (h/o)
The FBI’s and DOJ/s Triple-F Rating
Throughout the book, we discussed FISA and FARA – the two big protections against subversion by foreign powers. Both laws were involved in the FBI’s and DOJ’s notable failures in 2016. But there is a third law at work, too: The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Like FISA and FARA, FOIA has been abused and violated.
One group of stakeholders has been noticeably absent from discussions of 2016 abuses: American voters. Voters had their rights violated too – their government has not been transparent. FOIA is specifically designed to ensure transparency by the federal government. The law guarantees citizens the right to request timely production of unclassified or declassified government documents of its proceedings. Unfortunately, FOIA requests go largely unanswered for months and even years (if they are even answered on all). Foot dragging by the government, or partial requests to FOIA requests, are common.
Across administrations, DOJ and FBI effectiveness can be judged based on how they administer these three laws: FISA, FARA, and FOIA (“the three F’s”). In grading the FBI’s and DOJ’s performance, one finds that these three F’s are symptomatic of the larger pictures. FISA, FARA, and FOIA concern surveillance, foreign influence, and transparency, respectively. Each law played a major role in the 2016 elections. Each law has been abused and improperly enforced for at least twenty years.
When the FBI abuses FISA, civil liberties are trampled. When FARA enforcement is weak, foreign influence runs amok. When FOIA is stifled, crucial transparency becomes opaque. When these laws, fail, as demonstrated throughout this book, we need serious investigations and reform.
The National Security Revitalization Act
To be honest, I have been speaking out about concerns I had read somewhere about a 1995 bill called The National Security Revitalization Act that was hidden in the Republican Party’s Contract with America, that mandated US spend 3 dollars on NATO for every 2 dollars spent on the UN peacekeeping, but I had never taken the time to actually read the bill which I am linking to here.
Of initial concern, is that I note that the alternate title of the National Security Revitalization Act is Missile Defense act and the initial text essentially says that since the Warsaw Pact has ended, which one would think would lead to a peace dividend, this Act cites the need to “shore up our defenses” enough to sustain wars on two continents.
It doesn’t say why.
I encourage people to actually read these bills – HR7 the National Security Revitalization Act – and then the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act - which is not easy – but critically important.
In an initial scan of the 2023 National Defense Authorization, it is amazing to see the detail which it authorizes spending for – including Ukraine, Israel, everything we the people and students are protesting apparently in vain because Congress authorized this spending on.
As a professional researcher trying to find a way to end the National Defense Authorization Act, I searched Google for articles on the history of the National Defense Authorization Act https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/RL/98-756/48
I will be developing a special report following up on this with a focus on mining for actionable insights how to end this program based on its violation of United State law as it should be interpreted as opposed to how our current Supreme Court and Justice Department have interpreted it in a way that is essentially defrauding America and Subverting our democracy.