If you are not a part of BardsNation, please consider 🙏🏻 and contact Scott Kesterson. Having you on his show would align with every member who wants to fight for change. Spot on about AIPAC.

Wasn't Kennedy making pro iserial intrest groups register as foreign spy's just before his death? Blessings and stay safe 🙏🏻

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Thanks sooo much for your courageous activism, and for “following” me on X. I’m honored.

Please consider joining the stalwart Professor #CynthiaMcKinney in beginning to identity as a #CREATORS, a Conspiracy Realist Educator Activist Truther Organizer Reader Socializer) moving forward.

Most Respectfully,


#CREATORS Candidate for the #AlachuaCountyFlorida School Board.

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Repeat after me:

“Israel is but a client state of the USA.”

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